Monday, February 26, 2007

New blog?

A new start here on blogger because I want a clean blog. I just miss the old one nonetheless, holds so much. I'm craving for a white clean blog as well.

Friday is D-day for all of us J3s.. We need to share that moment together. It's part of being educated in Singapore.

I might move to Life journal.. if only it didn't look so retarded. I mean.. the blogskin and all. I need to fiddle around and try to figure out the html nonsense and learn it through trial and error.

Work today was just crazy. Never had to do so much. But I'm glad. I rather have more to do than nothing to do. After all, she pays me so much, I feel bad taking the money for sitting around cleaning jewellery and drinking tea. I had fun though. I thought I really learnt so much today.
Met Jenice for the first time. Really nice lady who is quite young and pretty.

My boss is a foodie. I love talking to her about food. She's like a tai tai and its nice to talk to her. I just hope she'll never get angry with me. Because when she gets angry, its scary.